My writing brings all the girls to the blog,I really didn’t start this to do a really lame parody of those lyrics. If that were the case I would have probably picked a better song or at least one where I would have to change more than the first line. They just played a clip from Family Guy where Peter sings that song in Prison and it’s now stuck in my head.
and they're like,
its better than yours,
damn right its better than yours,
I can teach you,
but I have to charge

...wait for it...
...its all in the timing...
Joseph B. Hewitt IV – International Game Developer!
This post sounded like such a good idea, full of potential for fun and hilarity, when I thought of it on my way home today. The point of this whole fiasco was to say that I’m going to Brazil next month to finish up the launch of Interzone Futebol. No idea how long I’ll be there. Looks like it might be awhile.
I really did plan on doing more with this post, play it up more, maybe throw in some Austin Powers jokes, but the problem is that it is already 1 AM! The stupid Brazil movie poster took way longer than I thought. First, I had to take the picture and honestly the ones where I am trying to do the “Brazil” smile like the guy is doing in the real poster were horrible. Can you say, “Psycho Axe Murderer?” I was also going to Photoshop the girl, soccer ball and something else into the picture better. I was also going to play around with the filter options see if I could get my face to look like the guy in real poster, but like I said, it’s already 1 AM.
You can tell how bad this by the fact that I even left in the stupid lyric joke that would have normally got cut on my first edit pass.

Are you moving to Brazil or just hanging around it a bit? We will be gone the weekend of the 18th on a camping trip to Zion. Just let us know when you will be stopping by if possible. Miss ya
Well crap!
It looks like I would be coming to Vegas after GDC which would be the weekend of September 18th through 21st.
Word Verification Attempts: 2
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