They rejected Jeremy’s application to take over the lease on the house here. There would have been no break in rent, no need for showings, no prepping the house, transfer of the bond over, etc. Now I have a week to figure out what to do with the stuff I can’t take. Jeremy now has to figure out where he is going to live.
All this and the final season of “Gilmore Girls” is really bumming me out. If popular entertainment has taught me anything though, I am pretty sure it’s all going to end on a big, happy, finding 3 packs of Smarties* in your overcoat from the previous winter, moment. Granted, that will probably be depressing too but I can handle that. The last few women I have gone out with are still fresh enough in my mind to keep me grounded on the whole romantic front. That and the theme music to the show really gets on my nerves, it’s like a nice cold slap across the face which keeps things in perspective.
I got one more disappoint lining up. I could avoid it if I speak up, but I’m hesitant because I kinda have a morbid fascination to see if doesn’t happen.
Oh and no pity party by the way. I’m big on the whole karma thing. The more things suck the bigger payoff I expect later. Unless I’m paying off all the crap I’ve done in the past… hmm better to stay positive. Though, if I’m expecting a payoff does that go against the karmic philosophy? I haven’t really read up on the subject, I’m more flying by the seat of my pants kind of guy. One more thing, can you tell me if this thing on my back looks more like a parachute or a knapsack?
On the good news front, I think I’ve dropped enough hints to the parents that for a belated birthday present I wanted a repeat of the Mother’s sauce and Dad’s assembly and cooking of the Fratillies.
Fratillies (probably spelled wrong) is an amazing Italian thing, like pizza taken to the next level. We discovered them when my dad was stationed at San Vito Air-Force base when I was a kid. So you know a panzerati (probably also spelled wrong) is right? If not it’s like a pizza, folded in half, and baked. Fratillie is the same thing only umm broiled? Deep fried? Umm cooked in a vat of oil, which ever that is.
* I did actually find 3 packs of Smarties in my giant leather overcoat (and my watchmen button, woot!) Actually it was 3 packs of Fizzers, which is what they call Smarties here. Smarties in Australia are more like M&Ms. To totally blow the lid off the cover-up, M&Ms are a total rip off of Nestlé Smarties. I lost that bet last year, though I just found out that American Smarties were called Smarties before Nestlé Smarties which were originally called Chocolate Beans. Here are some relevant selected sections from the various Wikipedia entries. Knowledge is power.

Rowntree's of York, England have been making "Chocolate Beans" since at least 1882. The product was renamed "Smarties Chocolate Beans" in 1937. Rowntree's were forced to drop the words "chocolate beans" in 1977 due to trading standards requirements (the use of the word "beans" was felt to be misleading) and so adopted the tagline "Milk Chocolate in a Crisp Sugar Shell".
The brand became known as "Nestlé Smarties" in 1993, five years after Rowntree's was acquired by Nestlé. Smarties are no longer manufactured in York; production has now moved to Germany, where a third of them were already made. Outside Europe, Nestlé's largest production facility for Smarties is in Canada, where Nestle has been manufacturing products since 1918.

M&M's Chocolate Candies are candy-coated pieces of milk chocolate with the letter "m" printed on them, produced by Mars, Incorporated. Popular in the United States, several variations of the candies exist, including plain milk chocolate, peanut, peanut butter, dark chocolate (with and without peanuts), and almond. First produced in 1941.
Forrest Mars, Sr., founder of the Mars Company, got the idea for the confection in the 1930s during the Spanish Civil War when he saw soldiers eating Smarties, a chocolate morsel covered with a hard sugar shell so that the chocolate would not melt.
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