There are other ‘non-stealth’ viral marketing campaigns such as the Alternate Reality Games, called ARGS, such as “I Love Bees” which was used to promote the video game “Halo 2” and “The Beast” which promoted the Steven Spielberg film “A.I. Artificial Intelligence.” In those type of things you know, or find out pretty early on that it is part of a marketing plan. They are less evil and more fun that way.
I’ve always had a love hate relationship with “marketing.” I one of the little annoying and completely pointless stories I used to tell was how Marking People are more Evil than Lawyers. Lawyers are just tools, things to be wielded when going into battle. I hire my lawyer, you hire your lawyer and they fight it out. The problem is that I can’t hire a marketing person to fight your marketing person, at least not directly. Marking people bypass all normal defenses and go right after you. That would be a NND Attack for your Hero Role-Playing system people out there. (Sorry, RPG geek moment.)
I’ve been told at least twice that I should have gone into marketing because my brain functions that particular way. I’ve never been sure if that was an insult or not.
The point of all this is that I found an article on Techcrunch from late last year. It is written by a guest author Dan Ackerman Greenberg and details some of the things his company The Comotion Group does to promote videos made by their clients into viral sensations that get spread out across the internet. The article caused a huge sensation with lots of people calling him out as a dishonest, unethical, spammer. You should read the article, its choice material. He posted a second article to answer some of his critics, but that just caused more criticism.
What I just don’t get is the fact that everybody knows this is going on; he is just laying out the details. And, all things considered how is this different than hiring popular actors to promote your product, product placement in movies and TV shows, paying money to appear higher in a search engine’s results, air-brushing models in layouts, etc.?
Here let me tell you another random, only somewhat related story. (Shut up Adam.) There used to (and maybe still is) a series of television commercials, I think for Lucky supermarkets. They claim that they had an independent accounting firm randomly selected 100 grocery items and then added up the cost of those items at their store and the stores of their competitors. When they looked at the total price for those grocery items, Lucky Supermarkets was cheaper!
It isn’t a lie, but it is pretty obvious what they are doing. They had their accounting firm randomly select more than just a single ‘set of 100 grocery items’ and they decided on which was the best set of 100 that they could use in their commercial.
In the seemly endless comments and other websites about Dan’s article, I especially love all the indignation regarding how people who work for him have multiple accounts to have conversations with themselves on various forums. To you personally, what is the difference between a bunch of random internet posters who you know anything about and a secret marketing person pretending to be a bunch of random internet posters? Is anybody out there really following the advice of strangers on the internet?

I did read something else about the U.K. passing a law last year where it is illegal for marketers to pose as consumers.

Anyway, I just wanted to post this and get it out there before burying it with the really funny video game related post I wrote last night. I'm probably not going to post the Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip post, let me just sum up the major points: I liked it, wish they would have let it go one more season to get its legs, and I am a big Aaron Sorkin fan and wish I could write dialog like he does. Stay tuned true believer!
I agree. Studio 60 was fairly awesome.
Does anyone else have a sudden overwhelming desire to buy peanut butter? :D
Was that too obscure?
No, but did watch "Meet Joe Black" the other night. Although I have seen it at least twice before I always missed the very beginning and hadn't seen where Brad Pitt gets hit by the cars. That was a bit more over the top that I expected for that type of movie.
P.S. remember he gets the peanut butter from the kitchen staff. It wasn't a total non sequitur.
I didn't get the urge to buy Peanut Butter, then again, I don't particularly like Peanut Butter. I also don't recall seeing a subliminal advertisement in your post...
I do, however, enjoy the writing style of Neil Gaiman, so I might check out The Graveyard Book.
Its still sitting on my iPod. I had listened to the first three books in Kevin J. Anderson's "Saga of the Seven Suns" series last year before realizing that Audible didn't have the remaining four books in the series. They since got those books, but its been so long since I listened to them that I decided to start over. I am just now almost finished with the third book again. I don't want to stop and forget everything a second time... but I also want to listen to "The Graveyard Book!"
I've got very poor impulse control and must always have instant satisfaction, so I'm sure I'll cave and wind up listening to it before starting the fourth book.
Australians don't seem to like peanut butter in general. I promised to bring back some Reeses Pieces and Butterfinger candybars when I go back to Perth. But I don't have high hopes of people liking them. Though I do miss Butterfinger Blizzards and McDonalds, Oreo ones are alright but not as good.
It's odd. I like Peanuts, but I don't like Peanut Butter.
And while I don't like Peanut Butter, I do enjoy the occasional White Chocolate Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.
While I don't have any desire to eat peanut butter out of the jar, I generally like it. I think I posted something awhile ago about how I don't like chocolate, but in small amounts its okay. For example I like peanut M&Ms, Reece's Pieces, an occasional small Reece's Peanut Butter cup, tootsie rolls, brownies, etc.
Just went to Metro Pizza in Vegas (twice) while I was there and I just can't express how much I love their peanut butter milkshakes.
I shouldn't be having, and normally don't have, any of the above since finding out I am type 1 diabetic a few years ago.
Awhile ago my mother found sugar free white chocolate reese's mini-peanut butter cups at Target and sent some to me. They were great, but she hasn't seen them on sale for awhile.
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