Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Study: Surgeons who play video games more skilled

I can't resist commenting on this story that just popped up on CNN.com

Study: Surgeons who play video games more skilled

I love how it has to end with two paragraphs of back peddling in case you were starting to think that video games might not be the root of all evil after all.
A 2004 survey by Gentile found 94 percent of adolescents play video games for an average of nine hours a week. Game-playing has been linked to aggressiveness, poor school grades and can become a substitute for exercise.

"Parents should not see this study as beneficial if their child is playing video games for over an hour a day," Gentile said. "Spending that much time playing video games is not going to help their child's chances of getting into medical school."
Laugh out loud.

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