I was up at the ungodly hour of 5 AM this morning to catch Lance Armstrong in the final stage of the
Tour Down Under. Unfortunately, I don't get the sports channels and was greeted with instructions on how to upgrade my Foxtel cable plan instead. So I sensibly went back to sleep.
When I finally crawled out of bed just after high noon, I was in the mood... the mood to drive. I started to drive towards Fremantle but when I got there I kept driving. This is what I kinda call 'using the force' to drive. I usually use it to try and get somewhere in particular, but I used to use it while bike riding to just get lost.
I eventually wound up at Point Peron aka
Cape Peron. I got to see two dolphins jumping around in the water which was pretty damn cool. There is also a pillbox style observation building on the hill built during World War II. I tried to get pictures of the dolphins and the pillbox, but the sun wasn't cooperating with the iPhone's camera which is pretty much crap. Here is a
link to a picture of the pill box that I googled.

It was still kind of early so I tried to use the force to find somewhere else interesting, but I found it was taking me back home by a much more efficient route than the way there. So I swung back through Fremantle and had a late lunch at Joe's Fish Shack. Yes, that's 'Fish' not 'Crab.' I was hoping to get my favorite BBQ Dungeness Crab, but they don't even serve crab which is probably why the changed the name around. I went in looking for the souvenir shop thinking I might be able to buy a "something smelt fishy at Joe's" t-shirt, you know like the "I got crabs at Joe's" t-shirts they sell at their normal restaurants. They didn't even have a counter of
over priced 'Joe's' themed merchandise! Can you believe it?
why werent you at global gamejam that you signed up for?
Something came up yesterday which I didn't finish with until very late. After which I wasn't really in a state of mind cohesive towards the event and instead decided that I'd get more benefit from spending a few hours driving down the coastline of Australia by myself.
Still in a bit of a mood as you can see, though the dolphins helped a little.
ah sorry to hear that. hope things are all cool now.
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