I realized that I hadn't posted anything in a while. Problem is I haven't really been doing much. I went bowling last weekend, but... really... bowling! Not very exciting. I had a date the weekend before, but she turned out to be a blithering racist pinhead and that's really all I want to say about that.
I thought to myself that what I really needed something to complain about. I'm not really happy unless I'm complaining about something; at least that's what my mother has been telling me for years.

I actually have two cool stories about that picture. The first one was that I used to hang out on a pre-internet, multi-user dial up BBS called Multi-Comm. It was a very social group on the board and we used to meet every Saturday at Bob Baskin Park in the summer and at Shakey's Pizza in the winter (until they threw us out). At one of these gatherings one of the younger kigs had the Battletech II manual which was a big blue print and stat book of all the mechs. At the end of the night I asked him what he was looking at and he excitedly started telling me about the game. I flipped through the manual to the picture at the back, said something clever which escapes me now (and probably wasn't really all that clever - but who am I to let the facts ruin a good story) and handed it back to him.
Now you are thinking, "What an ass! Did you offer to autograph it for him or something you loser?"
No I didn't. But years later after Westwood was shut down I flew up to Seattle to interview for a job a Ubisoft with Tony Van. It just so happen that somebody had sent him their copy of the BattleTech II manual asking him to autograph his picture and that lucky guy also got my autograph as well.
Back to the point, none of that is what I have to complain about. Not even the fact that Rowan decided to send the picture to the entire Perth Interzone office. Note that he didn't just the link it, but actually attached the picture to the email itself. No, not even that. It was what happened once one of the artist, Darren, got a hold of it. I had walked over to the other building with the vending machines and found the picture below taped to the front door of the office when I walked back in.

(It is pretty cool picture though...)
Very cool picture...if you could do something about the hair. The mullet has never been a good idea. =)
About the date thing, I thought you were married. One of the coolest wedding pictures I've ever seen, if I recall.
I haven't really posted about the marriage. Unfortunately things haven't worked out and we are currently separated.
This particular blog was a small topic of gossip between me, Kristina and Eric Weller.
Me: I thought Joseph was married.
K: He is, I went to his wedding.
Me: His blog says he went on a date.
K: Send me the link!
Yeah... we have no lives and we're sorry to hear about the separation.
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