I decided to create a post for various things instead of having them go out to separate web pages, because I can no longer count on the company hosting it. I'm starting with these previous profile pictures because I was about to update it but whomever is hosting my website now still hasn't gotten their act together. This way I can link the post on the sidebar, update it as I add new pictures, and people can even make comments about my receding hairline. I'll be doing this for my resume and history pages sometime in the near future as well.
So, here are the various profile picture I've used since starting this blog in 2004. Be kind in your comments, because words hurt.

This picture was taken at the Brisbane Botanical Gardens in early 2004, shortly after I arrived in Australia.
When I used it as my first profile picture on the blog it had converted it to black & white because my skin tone was so washed out. I did try to restore the color in Photoshop but I wasn't happy with anything I was able to do.

Here is what I looked like after I made the fateful decision to see what life would be like as a blond in 2006. Basically I looked like Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, in the Harry Potter movies.
This absolutely killed my hair. It became really dry and all of the natural curl went away. I started wearing it in a ponytail and didn't notice that it was breaking off in the back making it look horrible.

Here I am in early 2007 having dyed the hair back to my normal brown though you can still see the lighter ends. The curl was starting to come back, but it was still a mess especially in the back.

This picture was taken in late 2007 right before Auran shut down. It is cropped from a picture taken for a feature in
issue #173 of Hyper Magazine.
The games you can see on the monitors are
Eye of the Beholder and the Original
Command & Conquer.

Here I am outside the Interzone offices in Perth Australia in late 2008. Note that it is a rare "smiling" picture not often seen.
The color looks really washed out in the this picture but it might just be this monitor. I might have to readjust the balance and re-post it.
You worry to much about what your pictures look like...
It's a nice change to have you actually HAPPY in a photo.
From now on you shall be known as Lucius.
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