It’s been a wild four years, but Auran Developments has been declared insolvent and officially let everybody go today. There is talk of re-hiring a core Fury team to move the game forward to its release in China where I expect it will do very well. I don’t know if I am going to be offered a place on that team or not but as of now officially looking for another job.
So if anybody is looking to hire a game designer let me know. I do interface design, specs, world building, writing, quests… content designer sort of stuff. I have a good deal of experience with MMO games and generally enjoy all aspects of multi-player gameplay.
Resume and full list published titles available in the link over on the right, under my picture that I still haven't updated now that I cut my hair.
No update for a while. Are you one of the people hired back to Auran?
Looking to come back to the states?
Planning to stay in Australia?
Okay Okay Okay! I'll put up another post! You know it isn't trying to drag myself out of bed every morning before noon! :-)
No idea what happening at the moment, it being the middle of the Christmas holidays everything is at a stand-still because everybody is on vacation.
Maybe I'll finally have time to read that last Harry Potter book.
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