Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SOPA Blackout Day

Today is the day a lot of major internet sites such as Wikipedia, Reddit, Mozilla, Google and many others are blacking themselves out to raise awareness of the Software Online Protection act. If your are just learning about this whole thing now, here is a link to a CNN article that explains what it is and why you should be concerned about it.

I found some code that is supposed to black out the blog, but I'm too afraid of breaking something to try wedging it into this template code. I did install the plug in that adds the "Stop Sopa" graphic in the upper right-hand corner. I'll also post this wonderful and informative picture.

Learn what YOU can do: americancensorship.org

Regarding SOPA and PIPA, are you actually doing anything? Posting links, re-tweeting, liking and sharing posts may raise awareness, but it isn't really doing much. 

All the major blackout sites have links that will take list your representatives websites via your zip code. They all have web-mail forms. Granted, it's just going to be read by an aid and a tally-mark added to a list, but it counts. A large number of tallies from actual voters scares the hell out of them. Politicians get money from lobbyist, not to get rich, but to buy campaign ads to get your vote and get them re-elected. Its all about YOUR VOTE! Tell them they won't get it next time if they don't vote NO on this issue.  It will take less than five minutes to fill out a web-email form for all of your representatives.

Also don't hesitate to look up their Facebook pages and post on their walls. If you're tweeting about SOPA and PIPA, throw in their @name to get their attention. Show them that you are paying attention. Tell them you are watching and that you vote.

UPDATE: It's been too long and now can't figure out how to remove the SOPA graphic on the top right-hand corner of the screen.

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