Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Watchmen Ending

Just another quick note, the book, "Watchmen the Film Companion" with a half and half Rorschach, half drawn, half real-life from the movie, on the cover kinda reveals the new ending. We already knew there wasn't going to be any giant physic squid, and that isn't a spoiler because:
1. If you haven't read the book
- a. Shame on you and you are really missing out
- b. You don't know what the hell I am talking about with "giant physic squid" anyway
2. I'm telling you it ISN'T something, how can it be a spoiler if I am saying it isn't this or that!?
3. I'm not saying anything about what the new ending plot point is actually.
The book by Peter Aperlo is a film companion and doesn't really have much, besides some new pictures, that isn't already available on the internet. It only mentions the new ending plot point twice, and in passing as if you have already seen the movie.

The USA weekend pull-out in the Las Vegas Review-Journal had a piece on the Watchmen movie complete with centerfold poster of the movie versions of the characters as drawn by original Watchmen artist Dave Gibbons. Though to be honest, the only things that are different are the slight changes to the Night Owl's costume and Veidt. Everybody else looks like they stepped right out of the graphic novel, or individual issues if, like me, you happened to have been there way back then. Yeah I'm bragging.

The lovely Kristina (I'm contractually obligated to call her that) has already bought tickets for our little group for Friday on the Imax screen of the Red Rock Casino.

Oh, I wore the original Watchmen pin that they gave out as a promotion back in 1986, Smiley face with the drop of blood, (yeah, I'm bragging again) when Eric#1 and I went out on Friday night. We only went to two places, but despite a lot of people showing interest in it, only the bouncer at one club actually knew what was and expressed his hope about the movie being any good.


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Does that mean "Malfoy isn't the one who kills Dumbledore" isn't a spoiler?

  2. That is apples to European womens shoe sizes. Obviously you are reveling that Dumbledore is killed. It could even be argued that by saying it isn't Malfoy that does the deed is also a spoiler by removing one of the possible suspects, however anybody who had been reading the series up to that point should already know Malfoy is a big wuss. I was going to use another word there but decided it was time to clean up my act a bit.

    Me saying, "no giant, physic, squid" is more like saying that Tom Bombadil wasn't in the Lord of the Ring movies. Spoils neither the movies or the books regardless of the fact that he is a jolly fellow, blue his breaches are, and his boots are yellow.
