Saturday, February 21, 2009

Synthtube and the Tech Vixen

I’m putting up two new sidebar links. Celebrate as much as you deem appropriate and can handle under such conditions.

First for Alex Ringis, the sound designer at Interzone, we have SynthTube.
"SynthTube is a site that collates and reviews the best Synthesizer-related videos from YouTube and around the web, and reviews them, with a specific focus on highlighting the gear and performers involved in their creation"
Alex was recently BoingBoinged for his video of the naked baby playing a synthesizer. You can relax while watching it, at no time does the baby pee on the keyboard. I was so tense the whole way through, because I was just waiting for the little tike to let go.

Second up, we Liza of the many blogs/projects/hobbies, who may have something this time if she sticks with it (poke poke). As you may know from comments on other recent blog posts here, Tech Vixen just went up this weekend
Tech Vixen is a network of blogs all about technology, written from a woman's perspective. We are currently running four blogs in total - the main blog with news and links to the sub-blogs as well as "Gaming Vixen", "Comp Vixen", and "Gadget Vixen".

As we are just starting out, we are on the lookout for interested women (17 years or older) who are interested in running one of our sub-blogs (the gaming slot is already filled, but "Gadget Vixen" and "Comp Vixen" are still open). We are also looking to start new blogs regarding web development/blogging and other techy topics. Bloggers are able to monetize their sites by including ads in the content of their posts on the sub-blogs.
Head on over to the site for more information.

Liza also just put up a post about me leaving on her site. Now I'm all sad and mopey.


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Aw, thank you for the link :) And I'm taking great care of your plant! I think I'll have to send you monthly plant updates to prove it to you :P. It is now replanted and if nobody else ends up claiming the other two I'll take care of them :). The one I have is the most special, though.

    P.S.: And yeah, the video of the baby on Alex's blog was hilarious!

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Thanks for the shout out dude. When I work out how to do it in my template without breaking shit, I'll link the both of you. :)
