Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Website Hosting Fun Continues...

I get an email telling me that my website should be fully restored, but no information about this switch over, nothing... oh except this that arrived the day after that email:
on Aug 17, 2008, support@netidentityhosting.com wrote:

Web Disk Space / Storage Quota Warning (100%)

Domain: joseph.hewitt.org

If you exceed 100% of your quota you will be billed for overages at the end of the month. You may want to consider upgrading to a higher package level if your regular usage levels have increased.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Thank you,
Net Identity Hosting

Toll Free (U.S.A./Canada) 1-888-390-1242
Well, at first guess I am thinking maybe this overage is caused by the 47.6 meg file sitting in the root directory. It appears to be some sort of archive file containing my entire website. Another guess would be that this is the file that they used to restore my website the day before. Without that file the space I am using is almost halved.

Do I really need the www.joseph.hewitt.org site? Is it worth this frustration? It basically has the ruined remains of my old resume site from 5-6 years ago and a few pictures and my resume and history html files that are linked over on the right. I've just always thought that maybe I would do something with it in the future.


  1. I wouldn't give up a domain name that is even half-way relevant. Even if you don't park the domain anywhere, and give up the hosting, don't lose the domain name.

  2. I don't actually own the domain name. they own Hewitt.org and I just pay them to use the sub-domain joseph.hewitt.org

    I wrote them back and CC'ed Ross Rader but still haven't heard anything back about the space issue or any sort of introduction to the new host.

  3. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I am also former Netidentity user. I have also received this email about exceeding my quota and then in 3 days other inviting to pay for it. When I have tried to pay it by VISA, I have been advised by my bank to cancel the credit card. Phishing? Who owns now our website? Hostopia? Netidentityhosting? Why do we have to pay for this? It´s first tiem in ten years I have to do it. Did you have to pay for your exceeded quota?

  4. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I also had the similar problem with my web hosting services purchased via Netidentity. When I received unexpected bills for storage fees, I sent multiple e-mails to billing@netidentityhosting.com and Ross@tucows.com. I have received NO response from billing and less than helpful response from Ross.

    Unfortunately, I paid my web hosting account for years in advance and probably have no chance of getting my money back. Also, I have no intention on paying additional fees to this new company.

    A class action lawsuit may become necessary. I did file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau; however, Netidentity does not have a good track record with the BBB.

    Here is my correspondence with Ross:

    I am not sure what you are asking me to do at this time. You are free to discuss this matter with whomever you wish, but we have legally sold a portion of our business to a third party. If you have a specific issue with the services that this company provides you, you must contact them directly. If you wish, I can forward a specific complaint to them via the contact information I have already provided you with, but this will get no more reaction from them than if you sent it to them directly.

    As far as our agreements with you go, I am happy to answer questions about our terms of service, but note that they clearly indicate that we have "...the right to suspend or terminate accounts, subscriptions, services or features and remove or modify any files for any reason whatsoever and in its sole and without prior notification, notice or review."

    I am certain that Hostopia would have presented you with a new terms of service when they assumed management of your hosting services. You may wish to consult that agreement in order to better understand the nature of the relationship that you have entered into with Hostopia.

    Thanks for your feedback.


  5. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Latest News about this: I have received following answer from billing@domaindirecthosting.com : "While i was looking into your account,you were billed by a glitch in our system,i have went in and deleated them,in the future,if you need to update your billing infomation please give us a call the the number i provided below.
    Sorry for the inconvience."

    I will cancel this service as soon as subscription finish.
