Monday, April 14, 2008

More fun with THQ

Oh look another one.
Dear Joseph,

We are complimented by your recent application for the Sr. Game Designer Level 2 (13523) position with THQ. Although we are impressed by your skills, we are unable to offer you an interview at this time. This job has been filled by another candidate who more closely meets the position requirements.
Your resume is on file with us for future consideration. Should an applicable position come available, you will be contacted.

Your interest in our company is greatly appreciated. Please accept our best wishes for your future successes.

Recruiting Department
Note that they are still impressed with my skills. I still have to take issue with their innovative and creative use of the word "recent". Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe they got some new head HR person who look around and said , "WTF! Look at all these applications that have been piling up for months! Clear these out! Send these people reply emails so we don't look like one of those companies who doesn't bother responding to applicants."

Honestly though, I have no room to talk. I used to get applications on my desk back in the day that would get buried under other paper work until some poor HR person would have to come around and ask, "Do you still have those applications I gave you last month?" I really hope we wrote those people back even if it was months later.

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