Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Job in a Sun Burnt Land

It looks like we will be staying in Australia as I am just working out the contract details for another company. The new project hasn’t been announced yet so I can’t go into any details.

I am finding that it cost a whole lot more to move across Australia that I thought. I guess it could because of the big, deadly, no-man land that is the center of the Australia which despite what you may think, is about the size of the U.S.

UlaruAt first I wanted to just take the time to drive across the country, stop and see Uluru on the way (it’s on my list), and have a bit of adventure. Well turns out that isn’t such a good idea even if the hamster mobile does have 4-wheel drive. It’s not like driving across the U.S. were you’ll at least get AM stations the entire way and are guaranteed to find a Motel 6 and a 7-ll every 20 miles. Middle of summer, the outback, and road trip actually has a fatality rate. Not that I’ve really taken any time to do that level of research, just heard many stories about people breaking down in the middle of nowhere and their bodies being recovered several days later.

I have also learned a new lesson about having short hair again and that lesson is "hats." I got into the shower the other morning and quickly learned I had gotten a sunburn. At first I was going to say that the top of the head is bad place to get a sunburn, then I thought that there isn't a really good place to get a sunburn, and then I thought of some REALLY bad places you could get a sunburn, and that's when I decided to stop thinking about it.


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    What city are you moving to??? Hope you both are doing good. Good luck in your new job and talk to you soon.


  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Glad to hear you're sticking around!

    You could probably drive along the southern route via Adelaide without too much drama but then you won't get to see the big rock from the picture in your post.

    auntrita8, the only city on the west coast likely to have a game studio is Perth :)

  3. I've been holding off on giving at out details till I actually put ink to the contract. Though its now at the point where I just have to print it out, sign it, and find a fax machine to send it back.

    All that not counting on trying to figure out the details of getting down there and finding a place to live while looking for a place to live. Been trying to find inexpensive hotel that also has broadband internet access. The two seem to be mutually exclusive.

  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Good luck with it but who will buy Buffy comics for me now?

  5. Anonymous1:10 AM

    I'm going to guess and say Melbourne, but the company could be anything from IR Gurus to Blue Tongue so I won't try.

    Hope you and your wife Connie have good success wherever you move. I had a ball working with you both at Auran. Mik
