Friday, November 30, 2007

2007 Aurealis Awards

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before or not, but I’m a judge on the fantasy short story panel of the 2007 Aurealis Awards.

Nominations were just closed with 159 stories submitted this year in the fantasy short story category. The awards ceremony is January 26th at the Judith Wright Centre for Contemporary Arts here in Brisbane and is open to the public.

I mentioned this is because I just think it’s so cool to sit in the middle of a pile of manuscripts and I wanted to share. I am just such a big geek for that sort of thing.

Okay the real reason I brought it up was because I wanted to help spread the word of this:
A Christmas Conversation with Fiona McIntosh

Get ready for the holiday season by joining us for a special festive chat with internationally best-selling Australian fantasy author, Fiona McIntosh.

Fiona will share her experiences on becoming a full time writer and the trials and tribulations of being a published professional in what promises to be the perfect preparation for the holiday season.

She will also be signing copies of her books (which make the perfect Christmas present.

Profits from this relaxed and intimate evening will support the Aurealis Awards, Australia’s premier speculative fiction celebration. Tickets are available now from Pulp Fiction Books or at the door on the night.

Where: QWC seminar room, Metro Arts Building, 109 Edward Street, Brisbane
When: Monday 3rd December, 6:00pm for 6:30pm
Cost: $10 (includes finger food)

Brought to you by Fantastic Queensland and Pulp Fiction Books.
I haven't actually read anything by Fiona McIntosh but I like to listen to writers talk about writing. Or maybe I have... her website look familiar but I don't recognize any of the titles.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    You may have recognised the books from Trinity (Betrayal, Revenge, Destiny). I had them at work while I was reading them and I believe we discussed them (and other fantasy). I do recommend them, and I shall have to check out some of the other stuff she has written...
