Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just a real quick post from work

There is a review of ‘Fury’ in the July 2007 issue of Atomic, an Australian computing and technology magazine, It should have hit the stands today though I didn’t see it when I checked out the news agent at lunch.

Also, Lords of the Dead, one of the guilds participating in our ongoing pre-beta weekend tests have posted their first impressions of ‘Fury’.

And now I’m off to Sydney. Why you ask, for a game convention, trade show or something else exciting? No. I lost my passport and I have to go in person to the U.S. Consulate in Sydney to report it lost and apply for a new one. I did manage to get a list of all the comic book stores around Darling Harbor so it won’t be a total wasted trip.

Oh by the way there are still 'Fury' pre-beta keys available from IGN. We are increasing the number of players each weekend during the pre-beta period. Just remember that this is still an unfinished version of the game. It isn't even at the beta stage hence the name "pre-beta". Now I'm sure YOU understand that, but you know how those other people are.

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