Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Oh God Won't It Ever Stop?

I am sure you, my host of imaginary readers, are quite tired of nothing but post after post of Fury press links, but here are some more:

RPG Vault has their E3 First Impression of Fury and they should be doing a full write up very soon.

We have a two page spread in the Australian game magazine PC PowerPlay #127. Though I am going to have to have a little talk with them about their list of the 100 games that make gamers. They have a few odd choices, some that are obviously in the wrong spot, and some glaring omissions!

But the big scoop is Multi-Player Online Game List (MPOGL.COM) who got an interview with yours truly. Some of these other links I’ve posted where based on interviews with me, but they were just written as normal write-ups where this is the first that is done as an actual interview.


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    So...ummm being from America and all...what exactly is a "fury link" is that like an Aussie term or what? Fill me in here cause I'm confused! ;)

  2. Fury is the name of the game I am currently working on. Fury links are links to things, like press reviews and interviews about the game. :-)

    Check out

    Note that is one "R" in Fury.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    ahhh I see! thanks =) Made me look to see how I spelled it hahaha

  4. Well that isn't to say you shouldn't check out (Furry with two "R"'s. From the perspective of our product it could have been a lot worse.
