Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Two Years

So I’ve gotten a few people get on my case for not updating my blog. So I am trying to think of something to write about that I won’t wind up spending hours looking up reference material and such.

We are crunching pretty hard at work getting a solid, polished demo ready for the Game Developers Conference in San Jose. If you want to see what I’ve been working on for the last… oh my… TWO YEARS!... come to GDC next month. I might even be there myself!

I have been holding off redeeming some Amazon.com gift certificates I got for Christmas while waiting to see if I actually do go back to the States for GDC. I’ll be able to hit the book and video stores while I am there and can bring stuff back in my suitcase. Then I can spend the gift certificates on the harder to find items. Books and such are just too expensive here.

In case you didn’t know I did get back to the States over Christmas for work related stuff and managed to squeeze in a whole week in Vegas with family. I brought 2 half empty suitcases with me and wound up taking 3 full ones back filled with DVDs, what’s left of my Books on Tape/CD collection and 3 Logitech G15 Keyboards. I think the airline luggage guys stole my CD audio version of Neil Gaiman’s latest novel, Anansi Boys. I remember seeing it sitting in my open suitcase before leaving the States and I have no memory of unpacking it. I had my mother search her house to see if I left it there, but no luck.

So anyway TWO YEARS! I just realized that it has been exactly two years since I moved to Australia. Well Sunday was the actual two year anniversary. I feel I should have done more with that… been prepared with a special two year anniversary blog theme or something… maybe even a graphic. Oh well, maybe next year.

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