Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Zone Alarm Killed My Computer

Last night I tried to upgrade Zone Alarm on my gaming machine and it looks like I might have to reformat and reinstall Windows. There are all sorts of horrible things being said on their forums. I hadn’t realized that there had been a change of ownership and things have been going down hill but it does look like it isn’t the God send program it used to be.

I won’t go into the whole long story about what I’ve gone through so far, but at this point I can’t uninstall Zone Alarm even in Safe Mode.

All I can say is if you’re currently running it to stick with the current version and if you’re not using it keep it that way.


  1. My only worry here is what version went bad. Damn. I really did like this program (and am still using it.) I'm going to take that advice on not removing it.

  2. My only worry here is what version went bad. Damn. I really did like this program (and am still using it.) I'm going to take that advice on not removing it.
